Let's review some of the new Night Tech Gear, for night running. We will go over some of the pros and cons of equipment for night runners. To maximize your evening running benefits your nighttime running gear should be on point and worry-free.

Night Running Gear
There are two running categories we are going to focus on. The early morning runner, and night time running.
First, let's talk about running before bed. There are many evening running benefits to consider and we have included some of the benefits of running at night in this article.
Running Safety Lights
There are many options when it comes to runner reflective, safety gear, and hands-free lights.
Regardless of what type of safety lights you choose, make sure that they let you be seen 360 degrees. To keep you from falling in a hole, stepping on a snake or getting whacked in the face by a low hanging branch, you will need at least 20 to 30 feet of forward-facing light. Different lighting modes and rear safety light settings are important as well when your running in the dark.
As far as footwear, they have attachable shoe lights for runners. Here are a few options:
Each night trech shoe lights have their own positives and negatives. Attachable night runner shoe lights need to be attached and unattached after your late-night run.
Running Safety Lights Should Always Be Ready To Go.
With the night tech gear product, you need to remove them in order to use your shoes in an everyday fashion. Unless you want to walk around the grocery store with your bulky Night Runner 270 headlights attached to your feet. Another option is to buy a specific pair of shoes just to jog at night. If you do that you can leave them on you shoes all the time.
The other issue is buying batteries or recharging your night trek shoe lights. Same issue for other Night running lights, tactical shoe lights, and safety light attachments.
Going for a run at night should be simple, easy and your running safety lights should always be ready to go.
That is why we recommend the Night Runner Shoes. What you get is Running shoes that have built-in front headlights that give you up to 30 feet of forward-facing light.
Built-In Running Safety Lights
The front running light lets you see where you are going, and they are so bright oncoming traffic thinks you are another car!
Another feature of the Night Running shoe is the built-in Rear safety lights. Ultra-powerful flat LED Diodes that flash Red and Yellow.
Cars can see you up to 1/10th of a mile away. The front and rear lights are remote controlled and fully independent so you can use just the rear safety lights during the day when headlights aren't necessary. Or Just the headlights when camping or exploring.
HB3000 Light System

Exercising, walking, jogging or running is a great addition to your diet. Generally you can burn enough calories to comfortably drop another 5 pound plus per month all while strengthening your body, adding muscle. The extra muscle burns more calories, resulting in weight loss.
Once you start the cycle, it will take a life of its own. Every morning when you look in the mirror you will be more motivated and committed to stay on it. You will look and feel better, You will thank yourself later!